MTC | Tech blog
We love to share our knowledge and thoughts on tech.
Exploring Shaders in Flutter: My Journey from Knowing to Implementing 🎨

6th December 2024

Exploring Shaders in Flutter: My Journey from Knowing to Implementing 🎨

Shaders from Zero to Hero in Flutter

Decoding Amphibian Vocalizations with Flutter and Tensorflow Lite

30th August 2023

Decoding Amphibian Vocalizations with Flutter and Tensorflow Lite

A Deep Dive into Building a Mobile App for Amphibian Species Identification Using TensorFlow Lite and Flutter.

AVI - Flutter + Rive + Open AI

14th November 2022

AVI - Flutter + Rive + Open AI

A little friend developed with Flutter.

Flutter — Build, Measure & Learn

3rd October 2022

Flutter — Build, Measure & Learn

One of the most important step in software development is measure and learn about it. In this post, we are going show you how to integrante Analytics, measure and learn using Flutter.

Flutter + Rive + ML Kit 🤯

29th September 2022

Flutter + Rive + ML Kit 🤯

Animations, Machine Learning, Flutter and much more. Let's see how to create an animated avatar using Flutter.

Crypto Wallet UI using Flutter 3.0

16th May 2022

Crypto Wallet UI using Flutter 3.0

Cryptocurrencies wallet are in high demand. In this tutorial, we will build a crypto wallet UI using Flutter 3.0.

Create a shopping wine UI with Flutter Web

10th October 2021

Create a shopping wine UI with Flutter Web

Flutter web is pretty new, but it's already possible to create a shopping wine UI with Flutter web. Let's see how to do it.

Stack and Positioned widget in Flutter

7th April 2021

Stack and Positioned widget in Flutter

Have you tried to put a widget on top of another widget in Flutter? This article will show you how to do it using Stack and Positioned widget.

Spotify UI Clone with Flutter

2nd April 2021

Spotify UI Clone with Flutter

One of the most popular music streaming apps, Spotify, has a beautiful UI. In this tutorial, we will build a Spotify UI clone with Flutter.

Parsing JSON in Dart/Flutter

24th August 2020

Parsing JSON in Dart/Flutter

If you are working with JSON in Dart/Flutter, you will need to parse it. This article will show you how to do that.

Twitter UI Clone with Flutter - Final part

9th August 2020

Twitter UI Clone with Flutter - Final part

Difference between Stateless and Stateful Widgets in Flutter, Floating Action Button, and much more!

Twitter UI Clone with Flutter - Part 2

8th August 2020

Twitter UI Clone with Flutter - Part 2

This is the Learn about Column, Row, Single-Child, Multi-Child Layouts, and more in Flutter.

Twitter UI Clone with Flutter - Part 1

6th August 2020

Twitter UI Clone with Flutter - Part 1

More than 1000 M+ download around the world, learn how to build a Twitter UI Clone with Flutter

Badges in Flutter

3rd August 2020

Badges in Flutter

Badges can be used for an additional marker for any widget, e.g. show a number of items in a shopping cart.

Navigate between screens in Flutter

31st July 2020

Navigate between screens in Flutter

Navigator is a widget that manages a set of child widgets with a stack discipline. It allows us to navigate between the screens.

Create a favorite selection in ListView using Flutter

26th November 2019

Create a favorite selection in ListView using Flutter

The ListView widget is a scrollable list of widgets arranged linearly. In this tutorial, we will learn how to create a favorite selection in ListView using Flutter.

How to clone Whatsapp UI using Flutter

26th November 2019

How to clone Whatsapp UI using Flutter

More than 5000 M+ users are using Whatsapp. It is one of the most popular messaging apps. In this tutorial, we will learn how to clone Whatsapp UI using Flutter.

Business card in Flutter

18th November 2019

Business card in Flutter

Build a beautiful business card in Flutter with a custom font and a custom icon.

Test Widget in Flutter

25th February 2019

Test Widget in Flutter

Testing is a crucial part of software development. This article will show you how to test your Flutter app.

User location in Flutter

8th October 2018

User location in Flutter

In Flutter you can get user location using a simple package. This tutorial will show you how to get user location in Flutter.

Typedef in Dart.

19th September 2018

Typedef in Dart.

Dart is an open source programming language, developed by Google. Typedef in Dart is used to create a user-defined identity (alias) for a function.

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